प्रिय सिनेमा प्रेमी मित्रों,
तीसरे गोरखपुर फ़िल्म उत्सव के दौरान फ़रवरी २००८ के चौथे हफ़्ते में हमने प्रमुख भारतीय फ़िल्मकार एम. एस. सथ्यू से लम्बी बातचीत की थी. इस बातचीत में प्रमुख हिन्दी कवि मंगलेश डबराल, वीरेन डंगवाल, कथाकार योगेन्द्र आहूजा, समकालीन जनमत के प्रधान सम्पादक रामजी राय, युवा पत्रकार भाषा सिंह आदि शामिल थे. यह बातचीत लगभग तीन घंटे चली. इस दौरान उन्हौंने अपने जीवन और कर्म के विविध पहलुओं पर खुलकर बातें करीं. पूरी बातचीत वीडिओ के मिनी डीवी फ़ौरमैट पर रिकार्ड की गई है.
मित्रों हम इस दुर्लभ बातचीत को संजोकर रखने के साथ- साथ आपको भी इसे उपलब्ध कराना चाहतें हैं. इस बातचीत के सम्पादन में लगभग २०,००० रुपयों की ज़रुरत है. हमें उम्मीद है कि जिस उत्साह से आप गोरखपुर फ़िल्म उत्सव को सफल बनातें हैं उसी उत्साह से यह ज़रुरी काम भी पूरा करवायेंगे. आप अपना सहयोग सीधे गोरखपुर फ़िल्म सोसाइटी - एक्सप्रेशन के खाते में जमा कर सकते हैं.
हमारा पता है------
Manoj Singh
Convener, Expression
MIG 71, Rapti Nagar Phase I
Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh- 27300३
एक्सप्रेशन का account no. है 558802010007442
बैंक- Union Bank of India
ब्रांच- 26 Battalion PAC, Bichia, Gorakhpur
इस बाबत अधिक जानकारी के लिये 09811577426 (sanjay joshi) और 09415282206 (manoj singh) पर संपर्क करें.
आभार के साथ,
संजय जोशी
संयोजक, फ़िल्म समूह, जन संस्कृति मंच
फ़िल्मों में बिखरी प्रतिरोध की चेतना को प्रतिरोध की कारगर शक्ति बनाने का सांस्कृतिक अभियान
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Letter of Thanx
Dear Friends,
The 3rd Gorakhpur Film Festival has been concluded on February 26, 2008 with new heights.
The festival went for 4 days in which about 2000 people from Gorakhpur and neighbouring towns enjoyed film screenings and cultural performances. The second day was exclusively designed for Children and Their World. About 300 children from diffrent sections of the society enjoyed the films and cultural programmes. This day's anchoring was conducted by talented children of Gorakhpur. They were Utkarsh, Vatsal and Sweta. The festival team have distributed small Kites and colourful baloons to all young guests.
M S Sathyu(Dir: Garm Hawa)and Sanjay Kak(Dir: Jashn-e-Azadi) were highly impressed by the level of participation in the Festival. Both of have them have great dialogue with viewers during Question and Answer sessions after screening of their films.
A well designed brochure was also released on the opening day. Well known Hindi poet Mangalesh Dabral has edited the festival brochure.
The festival has opened with great performance from Yugmanch, Nanital. The Kabir Mandali "Bairag Lokgeet Yuva Mandal" of Devas, Madhya Pradesh has given the concluding performance. People of Gorakhpur also enjoyed a great evening of Hindi poetry. Renowned Hindi poets Viren Dangwal, Mangalesh Dabral,Ashtbhuja Shukla,Zahoor Alam,Pankaj Chaturvedi, Devndra Araya, Madan Chamoli and Vinay Kant recited their selected poems. Hindi critic Parmanad Srivastav presided the poetry session.
The festival venue has been aesthicaaly decorated by an art group of Varanasi" Kala Commune" with the help of children's paintings, Kites, Festoons and Festival Logo.
The 3rd Gorakhpur Film Festival got vide and sincere coverage from National and local Media.
We thank all of you for supporting us and making the festival successful.
With warm regards,
Sanjay Joshi
Convener, 3rd Gorakhpur Film Festival
Phone: 09811577426, 0120-2885017
The 3rd Gorakhpur Film Festival has been concluded on February 26, 2008 with new heights.
The festival went for 4 days in which about 2000 people from Gorakhpur and neighbouring towns enjoyed film screenings and cultural performances. The second day was exclusively designed for Children and Their World. About 300 children from diffrent sections of the society enjoyed the films and cultural programmes. This day's anchoring was conducted by talented children of Gorakhpur. They were Utkarsh, Vatsal and Sweta. The festival team have distributed small Kites and colourful baloons to all young guests.
M S Sathyu(Dir: Garm Hawa)and Sanjay Kak(Dir: Jashn-e-Azadi) were highly impressed by the level of participation in the Festival. Both of have them have great dialogue with viewers during Question and Answer sessions after screening of their films.
A well designed brochure was also released on the opening day. Well known Hindi poet Mangalesh Dabral has edited the festival brochure.
The festival has opened with great performance from Yugmanch, Nanital. The Kabir Mandali "Bairag Lokgeet Yuva Mandal" of Devas, Madhya Pradesh has given the concluding performance. People of Gorakhpur also enjoyed a great evening of Hindi poetry. Renowned Hindi poets Viren Dangwal, Mangalesh Dabral,Ashtbhuja Shukla,Zahoor Alam,Pankaj Chaturvedi, Devndra Araya, Madan Chamoli and Vinay Kant recited their selected poems. Hindi critic Parmanad Srivastav presided the poetry session.
The festival venue has been aesthicaaly decorated by an art group of Varanasi" Kala Commune" with the help of children's paintings, Kites, Festoons and Festival Logo.
The 3rd Gorakhpur Film Festival got vide and sincere coverage from National and local Media.
We thank all of you for supporting us and making the festival successful.
With warm regards,
Sanjay Joshi
Convener, 3rd Gorakhpur Film Festival
Phone: 09811577426, 0120-2885017
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
फ़ोटो अपडेट: गोरखपुर फिल्म फेस्टिवल
तीसरा गोरखपुर फिल्म उत्सव अपने तयशुदा कार्यक्रमानुसार चल रहा है. देखिये कुछ तस्वीरें-
कुछ और हाल-हवाल यहाँ और यहाँ भी देखा जा सकता है. सारी तस्वीरें मनीष चौबे की मेहनत से हम तक पहुँची
सुबर्णरेखा, ऋत्विक घटक
एक दर्शक अपनी राय दर्ज करता हुआ
युगमंच नैनीताल की प्रस्तुति-नाटक जारी है
एमएस सथ्यू अशोक चौधरी से बात करते हुए
डॉ. साधना गुप्ता और सथ्यू साब
रंगकर्मी परनब अपनी प्रस्तुति नंदीग्राम प्रोजेक्ट के साथ
नंदीग्राम प्रोजेक्ट और परनब
बच्चों की फिल्मों का ख़ास दिन
युगमंच के नर्तक उत्तराखंड के लोकनृत्य पेश करते हुए
कुछ और तस्वीरें-----
कुछ और हाल-हवाल यहाँ और यहाँ भी देखा जा सकता है. सारी तस्वीरें मनीष चौबे की मेहनत से हम तक पहुँची
सुबर्णरेखा, ऋत्विक घटक
एक दर्शक अपनी राय दर्ज करता हुआ
युगमंच नैनीताल की प्रस्तुति-नाटक जारी है
एमएस सथ्यू अशोक चौधरी से बात करते हुए
डॉ. साधना गुप्ता और सथ्यू साब
रंगकर्मी परनब अपनी प्रस्तुति नंदीग्राम प्रोजेक्ट के साथ
नंदीग्राम प्रोजेक्ट और परनब
बच्चों की फिल्मों का ख़ास दिन
युगमंच के नर्तक उत्तराखंड के लोकनृत्य पेश करते हुए
कुछ और तस्वीरें-----
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